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Build a Scalable Six Figure Business

My name is Lisa Bean. I’m a UK based Business Coach & Speaker and I love showing purpose driven entrepreneurs how to charge their worth and build a multiple six figure business that scales.


I believe we each have a message to share with the world. One of the best ways to share that message is to build a business that enables to you serve, help and reach more and more people each year.


What do I mean by that?


Well, a lot of people with a big heart and an important message tend to do so much for free, they give away all of their time and end up tired, burnt out and back in work. That won’t do! We need to be out there sharing what we know. To do that, we must organise our product offering, learn how to market online and build a business that allows us to create jobs and scale.


My job is to show you how to do this: How to launch, scale and make a profit in a way that feels good and fair so you can keep doing what matters.

Lisa cut out

Work with me

The online course

Change your life

12 week online course teaching you how to uncover your purpose, change your life and launch a business to start making a living doing what you love.

Expansion business school

Scale up your business

Join a small group of purpose driven entrepreneurs who are scaling up to six figures. Learn the latest in business strategy, online marketing and money mindset and work 121 with Lisa to scale your business.

Make your own videos

Learn to vlog

Step by step online course teaching you how to film, edit and launch your very first vlog or video series using iMovie (Mac) or Filmora (PC).

Hotttt off the press

The latest content from the team

My Story

In 2015, I left behind two companies I’d built from scratch to go in pursuit of happiness. I’d borrowed heavily to grow my companies and so leaving them behind meant taking on £100k in debt to start again and take another punt on ‘me’. I was also crippled by a six year stint of depression (which I’d somehow managed to keep a secret) and didn’t have a clue how to get better. One thing I did know? There had to be more to life than the version I was living.  This is my story…press play: 

Featured post of the week
Scaling to six figures

Game Changing 90 Minute Masterclass with Lisa Bean

How to build a six-figure business

Epic 2 Hour Masterclass with Lisa Bean, founder of three six-figure businesses. Access now and find out:

7 key stages to building a six-figure business

The mindset required of six figure business owners (essential learning)

The epic 4 stage process behind a successful online (automated) launch

Lisa cut out BW
Weekly vlog (BTS)

Behind the scenes as we scale to seven figures

How to launch a business in 2019
Manifestation & the Law of Attraction

What it takes to bring your dream life into reality 

All things marketing

How to market your purpose driven business 

Matt & Amy take over

Behind the scenes with the DARETOGROW team

  • In the past year, the revenue in DARETOGROW increased by 400%. 400%, that’s a huge increase in revenue. But, with increased revenue comes increased demands: more wonderful clients to help, more exciti

Pick me up!

Need a little boost? We’ve got you covered! 

How to change your life
Try something new

On the road…air, sky, paddle board…

Keynote: How to change your life in 2019

Thank you so much to the incredible Sunshine Fund for inviting me to speak at the Glass Slipper Awards 2019, celebrating the incredible achievements of women across the North East! WHAT A DAY!!!

In this talk, I ask: What does it take to change your life in 2019 and share with you my story of change: How I changed my life, how I got over depression and how I found happiness against all the odds!

Want a little motivation every Wednesday morning? 

Motivational mailing list for 2018

Sign up to the Hump Day Horrah!


Every Wednesday, let me send you a round up of the best life changing, motivational content from the last 7 days. It will include all the latest vlogs, the latest blogs and any new strategies I’ve designed to help you change your life. It’s free and it’s frickin’ awesome. 


Click here to sign up and view past editions of the Hump Day Hoorah! 

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