How to uncover your purpose

Uncovering your purpose is a journey and it will take time to understand your purpose on earth. My best piece of advice is this: make room, listen to your heart and start doing more of what you love.

What is my purpose? Why am I here? What am I here to do? These are questions we all ask at one point in our lives. And we can all find the answers.


Your purpose is how you will be of true service in this world. It’s the value you add to the world. And it’s that thing you’ll find yourself doing regardless. As Frederick Buechner so beautifully puts it, “it’s at the point at which your deepest joy meets the world’s greatest need”. We all have a unique purpose on this earth: a unique mission, place, role. And what makes it unique is the experience you bring: it’s who you are and how you connect with the people you’re here to help.


But don’t rush…


Uncovering your purpose is a journey and it will take time to understand your purpose on earth. My best piece of advice is this: make room, listen and start doing more of what you love.


Learn to let go of the expectations of others and switch questions like ‘What will make them happy?’ for questions like ‘What will give my life true meaning today?’ 


Create time and space to explore your passions. Follow what feels good. Do what lights you up. The answer is along that path.


Find the courage to express yourself creatively through writing, painting, clothing, speech, ideas. Start sharing your ideas with the world.

Free Training Video: How to Uncover Your Purpose

To get you started on this journey, press play on this free video training. In this video I will explain my view on ‘purpose’ and share with you three incredibly simple but powerful exercises to help you begin the journey of uncovering your unique and special purpose on this earth.


Further down this page, you will find my best collection of vlog, blogs and strategies to help you uncover your purpose and find out how to build a life of meaning. This page is updated every single day with brand new ideas, inspirational content and specific techniques you can use to uncover your purpose and build a life of passion. Are you ready? Let’s do this!

To uncover your purpose and build a life of passion and meaning, you must be willing to give up the expectations of other people and go within to ask “What lights me up and what am I here to do?”. 

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