I am not a motivational speaker
What would a day in your perfect life look like? What would you be free to do? How would you be spending your time? And where?
These are questions I’ve asked myself for three years: What does my ideal day look like? What do I want to be celebrating 12 months from today? What is my intention in life?
Asking these questions has been game changing in my life but questions alone are not enough to change your life; to transform your life.
An intention is powerful but it must be backed up by action.
Would you agree?
But what action? When? And how long for?
Sometimes life can beat us down. Depression. Anxiety. Debt. A lack of confidence. And sometimes we need a little guidance to get back on track.
That was me, 3 years ago. I was depressed, in debt and completely lost in life. I’d forgotten who I was and what I wanted from life. And then, as a blessing in disguise, I cracked. It was June 2015 when I decided enough was enough. I wanted more from life! And all of sudden willing to do the work to make it happen.
Do you know that feeling?
And so the quest to reconnect with my purpose, to get over depression and out of debt and to build my dream life became a driver so powerful in me that I found the key to change.
In order to change your life, you can’t just wish for a new life. You’ve got to set a bold and compelling vision for how you want life to turn out. Armed with your new vision, you need a strategy for making it happen. You need to understand what you need to succeed and build an infrastructure around that; an infrastructure that will make your new dream life inevitable…that’s who you spend your time with, the habits you have in your life, what you read and listen to, your spiritual or mindful practice. It’s everything.
And I’m going to show you how to do this, live in Newcastle on 23rd February at the Hilton, Gateshead.
In this brand new event – the DARETOGROW Live Experience – I’m going to show you how to:
– Set a bold and compelling vision for your new life;
– Unlock the unique strategy you need to change your life;
– Get into a peak state so you can channel the guidance and energy within you; and,
– Change your life forever.
Plus meet likeminded people, enjoy mocktails and canapés and invest the time you need in you and your dream life.
To find out more, watch the video and click the link to book your place.
DARETOGROW: The Live Experience with Transformational Speaker Lisa Bean
I’ll see you there!