[VIDEO] What you MUST understand about marketing funnels
In today’s video, I’m going to share with you the most fundamental marketing approach we take in DARETOGROW by answering: What is a marketing funnel and how can you use it to grow your business?
I’ll be going through what I call the traditional marketing funnel and yep, you guessed it, The DARETOGROW approach…
Covering these topics…
1. Introducing yourself to new potential customers
2. Connecting with your audience and how to do it effectively online
3. HELPING or being of service up front 4. How to ask for a commitment from prospective clients.
Finally, are you going the extra mile in your business?
Ask yourself these questions:
- Is your business worth talking about?
- Is your service news-worthy?
- Is your product remarkable?
Interested in learning more about your customers and your market?
Why not watch this: How to hit your first 10k month… https://youtu.be/qAK5RH82WK0
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Lisa Bean is the founder of Expansion Business School. Teaching purpose driven entrepreneurs how to build scalable six figure businesses. If you’d like to find out more, hop on the brand new masterclass she just created: 7 Stages to Six Figures.