[VLOG 220] Filming a YouTube Channel Trailer!

In today’s vlog, I tackle something that has been on my list for years!!! Filming a ‘channel trailer’ for my YouTube Channel DARETOGROW TV. Did you see it?

I’m obsessed with making videos to help you uncover your purpose, change your life and make a living doing what you love. And it’s time to kick things up a notch!

This year, I’m investing a lot more time, money and energy in brand, reach and even infrastructure to bring you this content every day…starting with YouTube!

So…have you subscribed to the DARETOGROW TV channel? If not, I’d love to welcome you to the YouTube family! I’m going to start doing live content on there next month. Here’s my channel link if you’d like to explore – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3kk3RAQm527-vdqnC0rghA.

It’s the best way to catch up on old content and recent vlogs you might have missed!

Thank you so much, as always, for being on this journey with me. I hope this content is inspiring you take bigger bolder action on your dreams in 2019. The world is waiting for us all!


P.s. I mentioned my epic new course ‘How to vlog’. It’s currently only £99 to join and will be jumping up to £300 at the end of May so now’s the best time to join if you’ve had your eye on it!




Want to work with me?


Expand your reach, your income, your lifestyle and your impact: Build an online course or brand new business offering and prepare to scale up your business in 2019.


E X P A N S I O N is my brand new 12-month Group Coaching programme. This is for you if you want to dramatically scale up your offering to serve more people whilst freeing yourself up to live the life you’ve been dreaming of for years!

Find out more and book your complimentary coaching call with me today.