[VLOG #096] Do what you can with what you have

Often in life we wait. We delay. We post pone. Urgh.

“I can’t put on my first event – I don’t have any photos to show people how it will look”

“I can’t launch my business – I don’t have any clients”

“I can’t build my first course – I don’t have a fancy camera”

Nobody starts out with the photos, the clients, the fancy camera – people just start and build as they go. In fact, anyone you’re following and respect right now will likely have started with the bare bones and built up from there. Ask them and you’ll see…

A workbook starts as one-page PDF download.

An online course starts as a few videos filmed on an iPhone or flip cam.

A full day workshop starts as a get together in your home or a coffee shop.

I filmed my first course on my iPhone. 6 videos, 6 lives on Facebook.

I built my first web site in HTML before ‘responsiveness’ was a thing.

I put on my first motivational speaking event even though people knew me as a marketer.

And so, to get you moving on your dreams this weekend, take a moment and press play on today’s vlog…it’s all about getting started with what you have, right now.

You can build on your first attempt but you can’t built on an idea alone so don’t wait until you have everything you need: start now and improve as you go.

P.s. don’t forget me and Alice are LIVE this Sunday 10am for The Breakfast Show. Get your favourite breakfast in on Saturday, tune in on the DARETOGROW Facebook page and join us at 10am as we drink tea, eat scones and chat about life, business and happiness.

P.p.s if you loved this and it lifted your spirits, don’t forget to tag a friend who would love a little boost today.

Lisa x x x



BLOG: https://daretogrow.co.uk/
MAILER: https://daretogrow.co.uk/hoorah
THE ONLINE COURSE: daretogrow.co.uk/theonlinecourse/
YOUTUBE: search “daretogrowtv
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/daretogrowuk
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/daretogrowuk/



In 2015 my doctor diagnosed me with depression and said I might be bi-polar. He offered me medication but it wasn’t the right solution for me. Instead, I went running, I stopped watching the news, I got into nature, I set a bold new vision for my life, I followed my passions and I started to express my truth. Just over two years later and I no longer have depression. I now live in Tynemouth, I still go running (now it’s along that gorgeous beach) and I make a living doing what I love: teaching people how to change their lives.

Also obsessed with dogs and vegan baking. Of course.



In my ‘daily vlogs’, I bring you behind the scenes as I continue to change my life and build my dream business. Each day I show you a new technique for changing your life, making a living doing what you love or building your dream life.

Each Sunday I also share a Q&A Sunday, answering one of your specific questions. You can send me your questions to lisa@daretogrow.co.uk

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