“But, what do you want from life?” – The power of this question | Vlog 172
You have the power to design your own life.
But first, you must realise that the life you’re living now is a result of everything you did or didn’t do, whatever you said or didn’t say, what you planned or didn’t plan.
When you ‘just said yes’ without thinking – that created today.
When you let someone else decide – that brought you here.
When you didn’t speak up – that contributed to this outcome.
So many of us have our eyes closed, thinking that ‘this is our lot’.
But if you’re not happy, don’t settle for your lot. Set a new vision, make bold new plans, learn new things, take new action.
When you get out of the passenger seat and into the driving seat of your life, you get to decide where you go, who you become, what you get to do.
Four years ago I was miserable. I hated my life and what I’d become. And one day, I just decided ENOUGH. And I went on this mad mission to change every single thing about my life.
I set a new vision – to build an online business and be free to work from anywhere.
I started speaking up for what I wanted – I said no to things I didn’t want to do, making room for what I did want.
I learnt new skills and read new books – I opened my eyes to what was possible and learnt how to make it happen.
I let my life refect my values, even when it was inconvenient – I went vegetarian and then vegan.
Step by step, day by day, I followed my heart. I honoured my preferences.
And I let the compound kick in until one day, three years later I woke up in that vision of my life.
And then guess what?
The vision expanded.
So in today’s vlog, I really want to challenge you to ask yourself: But what do I want from life? What would I create if I could have, be, do anything I want. I hope this inspires you to set bold new goals for 2019.
Have an amazing day!
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My name’s Lisa and I’m a Transformational Coach, Speaker and Vlogger living in Tynemouth, Newcastle (North East). Having built two traditional six-figure businesses by the time I was 30, I knew that ‘success’ wasn’t what I wanted. What I wanted was to be happy. Very happy. And so I set about on a mission to uncover my purpose, get over depression and build my dream life. Now I show others how to do the same.
Also obsessed with dogs, vegan baking and marketing.
In my ‘daily vlogs’, I bring you behind the scenes as I change my life and build my dream business. Each day I show you a new technique for changing your life, making a living doing what you love or building your dream life.
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My Kit:
MAIN CAMERA LENS: https://amzn.to/2GPsmXc
MAIN CAMERA MIC: https://amzn.to/2LunKZX
Useful Links:
WHERE I GET MY MUSIC: https://artlist.io/Lisa-181108
ADOBE CREATIVE SUITE: https://adobe.ly/2kqZQ5A
HOW TO VLOG: https://daretogrow.co.uk/how-to-vlog/
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