[Q&A SUNDAY] How to Overcome Self Doubt – 4 Strategies

How to overcome self doubt to take actions on your dreams


How do you overcome self doubt to launch that dream business or publish that first blog or…dare I say…make that firs video?

“That will never work”, the voice of self doubt says.

“You haven’t got what it takes”, you decide, doubting your own ability.

“People will laugh when they read this”, you’re sure of it.

We all experience self doubt, especially when attempting something new like launching a mission driven business, sharing a personal blog or making a video. In a lot of cases, self doubt wins and the business is never launched and the story never shared.


So what is self doubt?


Self doubt is giving more power to the idea it could go wrong than the idea it could go right. Self doubt is the question: ‘but can I do it?’. Self doubt is fear unrealised. It’s the presumption it won’t work.


How do you overcome self doubt?


And so in today’s episode of Q&A Sunday, I’m going to share with you 4 straight forward strategies you can use to overcome self doubt; strategies I use every single day overcome my own self debt and build my dream life.

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There is a group of people waiting for what you have to offer and if self doubt is standing in your way, it’s time to overcome self doubt and make your move.





My name’s Lisa and I’m a Transformational Coach, Speaker and Vlogger living in Tynemouth, Newcastle (North East). Having built two traditional six-figure businesses by the time I was 30, I knew that ‘success’ wasn’t what I wanted. What I wanted was to be happy. Very happy. And so I set about on a mission to uncover my purpose, get over depression and build my dream life. Now I show others how to do the same.

Also obsessed with dogs, vegan baking and marketing.




In my ‘daily vlogs’, I bring you behind the scenes as I change my life and build my dream business. Each day I show you a new technique for changing your life, making a living doing what you love or building your dream life.

Each Sunday I also share a Q&A Sunday, answering one of your specific questions. You can send me your questions to lisa@daretogrow.co.uk

Love this content? Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to be notified of future vlogs. I post a new vlog showing my journey of change every single day!




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YOUTUBE: daretogrowtv
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