Lisa Bean and Alice Allum

What on earth am I up to?

Do you know what? Until recently, I wasn’t sure what I was up to. I wasn’t happy in life and I just knew I wanted something different, something better.

In July 2015 I decided enough was enough. I took control of my life, set a compelling vision and started making some pretty serious changes.

I sold one business and downsized another (I gave up offices and contracts and let go of my team), I moved to Manchester, I launched DARETOGROW and I told my now partner I was in love with her. As you do! I gave gave up meat, then dairy and eggs. I started blogging and then vlogging and I began writing my book: DARETOGROW And Change Your Life.

In the process, I had to pay off £70k of debt and I found my way out of depression.

It’s safe to say my life has never been the same since.

Now, I spend my days making videos, writing and sharing ideas to help people uncover their purpose, set a compelling vision for their lives and start a movement to change the world.

That’s what I’m about: changing the world.

I want to have such a positive impact on this world – leave it better than I found it – but I can’t do it alone. I need your help. We all need each other’s help.

I’m big into animal welfare and I want to see an end to factory farming and testing on animals. I’d also love to see a vegan world but hey, one step at a time! You might be into the environment, or the welfare of children, or helping the homeless, or theatre or confidence building. Whatever you’re into, I want to celebrate that. I want you to step into it and build a life around it.

When you live a life of purpose you’ll change the world in ways you can’t even imagine.

So what is DARETOGROW?

DARETOGROW is a movement designed to help you uncover your purpose, set a compelling vision for your life and start a movement that will change the world, your world, my world, our world. I want to show you how to make a living from your passions, how to build a tribe and how to overcome your greatest fears to make it all hapen. 

Change your life and change the world.

Are you with me? Sign up for my free 6 Day Kickstart and I’ll walk you through the process of getting started. It’s a free video series: 6 * 5-minute videos, one per day to help you get moving on your dreams.

Let’s do this!


Want to uncover your purpose and start making a living from your passions? Sign up for my free 6 day kickstart. Launches soon…join now!

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