
A dream is a wish your heart makes

Walt Disney knew something didn’t he? I mean how can so many of his songs and stories speak such truth?!

Last night, I re-opened my online course. It’s a 6 week online coaching programme to help you uncover your purpose, set a compelling vision for your life and do what’s needed to make a living from your passions. As I was uploading the promo video to Facebook the line from Cinderella came into my: “A wish is a dream you heart makes, when you’re fast asleep…”.

We all have dreams, don’t we? Wishes that we’d love to see fulfilled.

A year ago today I had three wishes:

  • I wish I could give up my two six figure businesses and make a living doing what I love – speaking, writing and sharing what I know about living your dreams;
  • I wish I could spend the rest of my life with Alice Allum; and,
  • I wish I could become a published author.

They might have stayed ‘wishes’ too if it weren’t for that life changing run with Les Brown.

One day, out on a run (as instructed by my doctor as an antidote for depression), I was listening to motivational speaker Les Brown. In his recording he asked: “What would you do if you found out you only had three months left to live?”.

As you do, I began thinking of all the things I’d do: write the book, tell Alice I love her, leave my businesses behind and start DARETOGROW.

Then Les Brown asked: “How do you know you haven’t got three months left to live?”. The question caused me to turn on my heel, run home and begin making the changes the very next day.

That was 15 months ago and it’s hard to believe, as I sat there in my beautiful flat in Manchester, sat opposite my incredible partner Alice with my printed book proposal on my desk (I’m not joking…) that all my dreams are coming true.


What are your three wishes? What would you love to be celebrating 12 months from today? What would you do if you found out you only had three months left to live? 

I made a wish. I made three actually and I resolved to making them a reality.

So how did I do it? I make no secret of it. I uncovered my purpose (thanks to The Alchemist), I set a compelling vision for my life and I took the steps I needed to take every day to make my dreams a reality. That involved facing many fears, walking away from negative people, giving up my identity, losing a few hours sleep (when I’m in the writing zone!) and lots of personal growth.

You know what? Beyond everything I’ve achieved in life – building two six figure businesses, overcoming depression and leaving behind a world I’d created to pursue my destiny  – what I’m most happy about is my ability to awaken this hunger in other people too. I don’t know whether it’s because I’m walking the walk or because of the stories I tell or because of what I believe but somehow, other people (lots of other people) are going on their own personal journeys of transformation too and I LOVE IT!

It’s because of this journey that I decided to launch the DARETOGROW 6 Week Kickstart programme – a 6 week programme designed to help you uncover your purpose, set a compelling vision for your life and make a living from your dreams. When you enrol, you become part of a community of people on a similar journey to you. Each week, I share a pre-recorded ‘prep video’ to get you thinking about the topic in focus and set you a few clever exercises to work on in the week. Then, each Sunday, you join me live for a 1 hour deep dive webinar when I go into the topic in depth. I’ll share with you what I’ve learnt about change: how to build your dream life and make a living from your passions. There are lots of bonus too, along with exclusive content shared only in the private Facebook group.

Would you like to find out more?

The next cohort begins on Tuesday 17th January. You can view the trailer below…and then follow this link to watch the first video in the programme – “How to uncover your purpose“. – for free. You’ve got to try before you buy haven’t you?!

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