How to film a vlog…like a badass! By UK Vlogger Lisa Bean

I’ve got something a little different for you today…it’s not a ‘vlog’. It’s a ‘how to…like a badass’. Haha, in fact – that should be the name of this new series: “How To…Like a BADASS”.

So, today’s first ever ‘How To’ video is…”How to VLOG like a BADASS”. Haha.

Vlogging has had such an impact on me in so so many ways.

For example:

– Making a daily vlog has given me more confidence. I mean, would you ever walk down the street with a vlogging camera of that size?! If you can do that…well…watch out world haha.

– Vlogging helped me become more articulate. I remember the first time I stood on stage, post vlogging. The words flowed more easily, I was connecting ideas I’d never connected before and I felt more relaxed ‘in my own skin’. All the hours of talking, forming and reforming my messages paid off.

– And of course, making vlogs for YouTube has helped me to meet and connect with so many incredible people…YOU!!

Plus, more and more of you are diving in and filming your first vlog, which I love!!

So today, I thought you’d like a peek into my approach to filming and what I do to…vlog like a badass!!

Here you go. I hope you enjoy!


P.s. Thanks to Matt in the team who helped me film this. As you’ll see tomorrow…we also vlogged us filming this video lol.

P.p. s. I made an epic course on this just a few months back. It’s the full ‘how to vlog’ (or just make epic videos) from start to finish process. And it’s a bloomin’ bargain. Here’s the link if you want to know EXACTLY how I film, edit and share my vlogs online…

How to Vlog


#Vlog #howtovlog #dailyvlog