Lisa and Alice

The one with the unicorn soap in Belgium

I remember tipping my head back and crying in a tiny shower in Belgium…


It was the last stop on our tour of Europe with my girlfriend, Alice.


I felt down, lost and EXHAUSTED!


I had no right really – I was travelling in January (a time of year when a lot of people couldn’t afford a trip like this), I’d just completed the biggest launch of my online course (£30k in sales) and I had the most wonderful family supporting me – Alice and our little whippet (Sasha Fierce).


As the steam filled the little room with the slanted roof, I reached for some shampoo, misjudged it and knocked the entire collection of bottles to the floor.


It was like a strike at ten pin bowling.


“You okay babe?”, Alice called in, hearing the racket.


“No”, I replied in a broken voice.


Alice opened the door, stripped off, stepped into the shower with me and took over the task of washing my hair.


I cried some more.


As I stood in the shower, trying to focus on how far I’d come, I heard Alice giggling behind me.


I opened my eyes to see I was COVERED in pink bubbles from a unicorn shampoo she had chosen from the shops earlier in the week.


“What a sight”, I said, and we burst out laughing.


That evening, I sat by the log fire and wrote in my journal:


“I know I’m doing the right thing. I know I have something important to share. It’s just so hard. I wish I had someone to lean on. I wish I had a boss. I wish I had someone to tell me what to do next…or even just to listen to me when I was trying to figure this craziness out. I wish I had just one friend who knew the pressures of running a business. I wish I had help.”


At this point, I’d reached the ‘six figure club’ again (this was my third business), I had a GREAT brand I’d built from scratch, and I had a wonderful community of people who tuned into my daily vlogs and invested in my online course.


But it still didn’t FEEL like a business. I was a team of one and if I stopped – the whole thing stopped.


And that was scary.


I knew it was time to step up my game. I felt like I needed a whole mindset upgrade, a team, processes, systems, automation. But more than anything, I needed reassurance.


A few days passed and I was still in a funk when a coach popped up on Facebook who I’d been following for a while.


‘What have I got to lose’, I thought.


I booked a call.


I needed to know if all this hype I saw online about ‘hire a coach and it’ll change your life’ was true…


I got on a call with her a few days later and within 45 minutes I was a YES.


I’d never invested that much money in my life…


Not in my degree…


Not in my coaching training with The Coaching Academy…


And not even the time we flew to LA to see Tony Robbins live for his Unleash the Power Within seminar.


But I knew if I didn’t take drastic action, I’d never get the drastic change I craved so much.


So I jumped off the cliff and said yes.


But the question remained: Was it gonna pay off for me?


Six months on and I’m one of those cheesy walking, talking advertisements…you know the ones you see on testimonial pages – I made my investment back within 4 weeks, I tripled my revenue within 3 months, but most of all I had my CONFIDENCE back.


Now get me wrong – I’m a grafter. I’m smart and I work strategically and consistently. I want to be honest with you. It wasn’t JUST that one investment in coaching that paid off…


– It was the 3 iterations of the strategy I’d tried before that moment;


– It was the community I’d built over the previous 36 months that was ready for my new offer;


– It was the advice of a mentor who taught me 2 additional techniques for bursting through the noise online; and,


– It was the one major shift I made in how I asked for money that got me there…


It was these factors COMBINED into my own unique way of doing things that lead to the breakthrough.


There is no one magic bullet.


I know that now.


But here’s the thing…


I shared my unique way of doing things with a close client. She applied my formula and within 24hrs had a 60% fill up rate for a brand new event at a brand new location. Whattt?? She couldn’t wait to hop on a call to show me. And for the record, she’d spent £10 on Facebook ads!


I then heard that my client shared the formula with a friend at a networking event. She applied the methodology too and within 24hrs had made a sale of £2,000 to her teacher training programme…


Then, I shared it with another client (who I’d never met and had only worked with online!). She used my unique way of doing things to sell out an international retreat abroad…in a matter of weeks! Whaaaat.


Another client replaced her revenue from in person retreats to an online membership in two months.


The list goes on and I KNEW I’d cracked it…


My unique way of doing things, combined with their experience, the community they’d built and the powerful environment of action I’d created in my programme was WORKING.


It’s like all of the knowledge I’d accumulated, all the testing I’d done and all of the systems I’d learnt were combining into the perfect storm for client after client, all across different sectors.


Anyway, I guess you know what I’m gonna say next – and I’m talking to good hearted people here…not people who want to manipulate and scam – this is a unique way of doing things for those of us who want to make the world a better place…


I want to teach you what I’ve learnt. And more than that, I want to provide you with the life changing, power environment I’ve build online so you can implement it with confidence.


And this is why I’ve created Expansion Business School: The Business of Purpose.


It’s a 3 month+ group coaching experience designed to help you define with your mission with utter confidence, solidify your business and marketing strategy and sell your unique offering to the people you’re truly here to help.


Cohort 3 is open for enrolment again on 10th November so that we can get things set up now for a strong finish to the year and a CRACKING start to 2020.




I want to give you two options for finding out more:


OPTION 1 – If you’ve followed me for a while and you know this is right for you, click the link below to find out more and hop on a 60 minute discovery call with me. I’ll tell you more about the programme and you can ask me any questions you have.


OPTION 2 – Join me for a free two hour masterclass on these themes on Sunday 3rd November at 8am. I’ll share my unique way of doing things with you and answer any question you have live.


Before you go…


I’ll be honest.


This coaching programme and the free training isn’t for start ups. This training is for entrepreneurs who are:


– Already making £30k+ a year in business;


– Ready and committed to dramatically scaling up their reach and their business in the coming years;


– Want to join a small, focused community of purpose-driven entrepreneurs with a similar drive and contribute to the ongoing growth and vibration of the entire crew.


If this is you, I’d love to invite you to hop on a call with me or join me Sunday 3rd November 8am for the two hour masterclass.


Sound good?


Let’s get to it…


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