How to make money online

How to make money online

The step by step process I used to build a six figure online business, with the freedom to live and work anywhere in the world, including:

THE three rules you must understand to build an online course people will buy

The exact process I use to market and sell out my online courses

How to sell a way that feels good!

What’s included?


THE three rules you must understand to build an online course people will buy

The THREE keys rules of selling online. You gotta master these to sell an online course. (Number 1 CHANGED THE GAME for me!)

How to come up with the name, theme and topic for your online course. And how I came up with the name for mine.

My top tips for filming draft 1 of your course and how long it normally takes me to film an online course.

Exactly how to structure your content so it answers EXACTLY the challenges faced by your customers.

The one thing you can do to ensure your business grows and lasts!


The exact process I use to market and sell out my online courses

`{`Possibly`}` the BEST approach selling out an online course using Facebook ads.

The biggest mistake people make with Facebook and Instagram ads.

Why you MUST have a thank you page.

How to get 'social proof' on your ads to help new people engage with your content.

What I did to get 250,000 views on my big promo video.

How I spent £3500 and made £27000.


How to sell online…in a way that feels good!

How to sell online...when you don't like selling!

Managing my mindset during a launch.

Maximising my budget at every level.

Ensuring I help curious customers make the decision to buy…when it’s right for them!

“WOW , Lisa and that’s just video one … yep I’m buzzing ! 😃”

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The feedback is in! 

Here’s what people have been saying about this brand new free course: 

“That video was bliddy awesome! I literally only have an idea so far. But now I feel like that little idea is a seed that I can plant and it will actually grow!”

“Boom thank you universe I’ve been waiting patiently for you to launch this it’s perfect timing as I’m joining the online course community and I cannot wait thank you Lisa you rock”

“Awesome Lisa! 🙌🏻 watched today’s, now bursting with inspiration and itching for tomorrow’s! Oh and have a date for my launch!! Whaaaaat!! 🙌🏻😃💃👊🏻”