STUCK in business? Do THIS next…


When entrepreneurs get stuck in business if it often because they are breaking this particular order of events or more likely, because they’re trying to do them all at once!



I don’t believe in an ‘all at once’ approach to business growth. I believe in a layering approach. I mean: It’s best to finish your offer and have it ready to go before obsessing about regular posts on social media. Trying to master both at the same time takes longer, can feel really overwhelming and the risk is the offer is never finished!


So in today’s video, I’d love to talk you through four key steps for growth in any business, and help you see which step is next for you.




What’s coming up?


Workshop: Ready to become the person and do the work for your multiple six figure online year? Join me on my upcoming LIVE 2-hour masterclass “Make The Edge Your New Normal” on 2nd November 4pm – 6pm.


Live Events: Fancy getting together IN PERSON? We’ve got two live events coming up in Newcastle (20th November) and Manchester (27th November). Find out more and book your ticket here!


Videos I mentioned:


List building: How to get more sign ups to your funnels:


How to use a funnel to grow your business: