We all know about balance, the idea of keeping the weight of (typically) two objects to create an even levelling. Well, the Oxford dictionary's definition is a bit clearer.     “An even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.”     Did you pick up...

I live with a serious contradiction. 🤷‍♀️⤵️   On one side I shout PUT OUT YOUR FIRST SH*T VERSION. Make the quickest viable product, launch it NOW 🚀 and improve it from there.   And I MEAN it. I put a lot of focus on helping my clients launch quickly. 💪   It's not that...

A story about the fox and the pond.   There are a lot of things I love in life. Requesting a random mix of classical music on Alexa. Running on the morning beach with my dogs in September. The smell of smoke when you blow out a...

[Book your spot here]   As a good person with an important message, I had to accept I needed to build scale in my business to have the kind of impact I imagined having in the world.   This meant increasing my revenue in predictable and reliable ways.   This meant...

I remember the day so well. It was a Thursday night in Manchester and I’d sold 10 tickets to an evening event I was running called DARETOGROW. I was feeling so nervous I felt demobilised. Frozen to the spot in the living room that morning.  Five...

I’ve never written a book before, until now. I’ve been writing one, for ten years. And each time I thought I was ready, I’d experience a major shift and realise the story wasn’t done yet. The story is never done. We’re always growing. The truth is...

Omg this woman drives me wild! Not that like, cheeky! Well maybe ;-) No, I mean she gets right under my skin haha. And don’t worry, she says the same about me!! We’re in what you might call ‘a conscious relationship’. I’m awake. She’s awake. And...

Role Title: Marketing Executive Company: DARETOGROW Location: Ancoats, Manchester (M1) Salary: £18,000 Position: Permanent / Full time   We're looking for a smart, hard working and experienced Marketing Executive to join our team in the snazzy Ancoats offices in Manchester, UK. As a business, we want to be the number one destination...

I remember the exact moment Tony Robbins stepped out on stage, at that packed out stadium on a hot summer’s day in LA. He was grinning ear to ear, ALIVE with energy and smashing two long sticks together to get the crown pumping. I was so...

When are you happiest? Have you stopped to ask recently? Because it matters. Your happiness matters. Sometimes we forget that. We get so caught up in the adrenalin, anxiety and hype of “But I’ve got to this done!” that we forget we’re human beings and not...

Gooood evening and happy Saturday. I've got a jam packed week of goodies for you. In fact, I have so much coming out for you that I thought we might need a TV guide haha. So here's what's coming up!   SUNDAY MORNINGS 10am: Throughout March, I've teamed...